#1 Quality Supplier for all Compostable Disposable tableware, reusable shopping bags, disposable paper bags - Natural personal hygiene and Household products.
Location: Elmshall Road, Roseau, Dominica
Email: contact.100green@gmail.com
Phone: 1 767-614-7336
Wines & Spirits is the distribution arm of Archipelago specializing in niche products and the needs of the hotel and restaurant sector.
Location: Belfast, Mahaut, Dominica
Phone: 1 767-448-5247
The Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce is the leading private sector representative body in Dominica with membership across various sectors and industries.
Location: Prevocinemall ,Roseau, Dominica
Phone: 1 767-449-1962
We are your 'one-stop-shop' with 4 departments in 3 locations, all within 60 seconds of each other!
Hardware, Rent-a-Car, Auto Parts, Paint Shop
Location: Roseau, Dominica
Email: garrawaye@cwdom.dm
H.H.V Whitchurch & Co. Ltd. is a Dominican Company committed to providing products and services that enhance the quality of life of all our customers and the People of Dominica.
Location: Roseau, Dominica
Email: customerservice@whitchurch.com
Phone: 1 767-255-1100
KPB Chartered Accountants is a firm of chartered accountants based in the Commonwealth of Dominica in the Eastern Caribbean.
Location: Roseau, Dominica
Phone: 1 767-448-2511
Dominican based Photographer, Videographer, aims to spreading the beauty of Dominica.
Email: Videography@natureislandbeauty.com
At Organized ME we offer: Virtual Office & Assistant Services, Bookkeeping Services, Business Startup Management, Meeting & Coordination Services, Staff Recruitment & Training Services and Educational & Training Programs.
Location: Roseau, Dominica
Email: management@organizedme.org
Phone: 1 767-315-6416
The Prevo Cinemall formerly Carib Cinema is located in Roseau, Dominica at the corner of Kennedy Ave & Old Street in the heart of Dominica's capital city and serves several businesses. We also offer state of the art event and meeting venues for rent.
Location: Roseau, Dominica
Email: inmallsltd@gmail.com
Phone: 1 (767) 275 2825/1 (767) 275 2824
Sagicor provides strong advice to our clients seeking peace of mind, financial guidance, and stability.
Location: Roseau, Dominica
Email: eservice@sagicor.com
Phone: (767) 440-2562
The Sol Group, a member of Parkland is the leading supplier of energy solutions in the Caribbean. Sol supplies fuels, lubricants and LPG through an extensive service station network with marine, aviation and commercial operations in 23 Caribbean countries
Location: Fond Cole, Dominica
Email: web.dominica@solpetroleum.com
Phone: (767) 448-3861 / (767) 448-3865
Vetivert focuses on the HEART Pillars of Heritage Experiences, Arts & Regenerative Tourism. We are a Nature Island Seal of Excellence Certified and registered Destination Management Company (DMC), Coaching & consultancy firm.
Location: Roseau, Dominica
Email: support@vetivertinc.com
The Youth Emergency Actions Committees, YEACs are organized community youth groups that have been trained and prepared to be the first respondents within the community in case of a natural or manmade disaster. They are volunteers working in emergency preparedness and response.
Location: Roseau, Dominica
Email: yeacdominica@gmail.com
Phone: (767) 245-0812